Monday, September 19, 2016

2001 - 25 Years at the Men's with a Quiet Celebration !

Here is an article by Jon Tevlin in November of 2001, that features Andy Mickel long term board volunteer and Randy Genrich, long term advocate and the face of the Men's Center as office manager

 Caption "Andy Mickel (left) and Randy Genrich are longtime volunteers at the Twin Cities Men's Center, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this month " 
Text to article with time line on page E1, of the Tribune article 
page E2, the rest of the article Monday Nov 26 2001 Star Tribune

Since 1977! Men Talk - The Written Voice of the Men's Center -

 When Looking for archives for the 40th Year Celebration, Andy Mickel and others at the Twin Cities Men's Center led me to find this very first issue!   Curious about the art and poetry and the evoluation of communication technology - check out the roots of Men Talk here  - samples will be with he Time Line at the Oct 22 Gathering ------Celebration!!!
 Men Talk, Vol 1, No 1, February 1977  P 1 and 8 with non profit mailing with address University Station during first location and University Lutheran Center on University Ave 
 Feb 1977 with 3rd National Men's Conf in Des Moines ad in March April - Note bisexual mix group
Artwork and graphics, likely all done on a typewriter and mimeographed in 1977 ? 

June 1977 - Men Talk now 12 pages, up from 8   visioning moving to a new location from the U of 
M area   "caution orange juice may cause homophobia on back page 
Anita Bryant

Pages 2 -3  June 1977
 Pages 4 and 5 Media bias Paul Kroska, Peter Blau, Keith Olstad are some of the names --
 P 6 -7 (not labeled) Des Moines 3rd Nat Conf on Men and Masculinity Retrospective
 P 8-9 Picnics to Poetry Minnehaha Park Michael Allen and Poetry by Kevin O'Rourke

p 10-11 Add for art for Men's Survival Resource Book from Peter Blau ----events and subscriptions for $3-5
1989 Cover with Petroglyph Art, Sponsored by The Men's Center Oct at MCC
Hank Bruns and Dick Madigan Co Chairs of the 1989 conference, are men of many years of service to the Men's Center  -

1992 The Search for Healthy Masculinities Regional Men's Conference Cover designed through Bill Dobbs

Welcoming from Co chairs of the 1992 event, Ken Hiebel and David Kaar